Weekly Inspiration: Hold On

Weekly Inspiration: Hold On

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1


As many are experiencing hard times in their lives and many are in a difficult season in their lives I encourage you to hold on to your faith. It may feel that you are not going to make it through this (whatever your this is) but trust God and hold fast to your faith. After you have done all to stand continue to stand. Consider Job and all he had to endure. He lost his wealth and his children. His friends blamed him for his misfortune and the very one who you would think would understand, his wife, told him to curse God and die. He was even struck with boils, yet he held on to God. He kept his faith during these difficult times.


The theologian Reinhold Niebhur wrote the Serenity Prayer asking God for serenity, courage and wisdom. He realized that in life every day would not be a bed of roses. There will be times in our lives where problems would last a day and times when they may last for years. Things in life can hit so hard that it knocks the wind out of us or brings us to our knees.


There may be times when the problems seem as if they are going to overtake us and we find ourselves at the end of our rope and on the verge of giving up. I encourage you to hold on to your faith and don’t quit. God is faithful and he is able to calm every storm in our lives. God is still God.


Hold on to the God of your strength, for in our weakness He is our strength. Hold on to God who is a healer, not only of the body but of our very souls. Hold on to the mind regulating God. He promised to give us peace if our mind is stayed on Him. He is the one who is our refuge and strong tower. Know that whatever is going on in your life you can trust God. He will be there for you.


Hold on. This too shall pass.


Be Blessed in the Lord. Pray for one another.




Pastor Tarena Stewart
Healing the Hurt Ministries, Inc

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