Weekly Inspiration: Tap In

Weekly Inspiration: Tap In

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
Ephesians 3:20


As we meditate on today’s scripture we want to Tap In. Tap in to the power that God has released in you. Why do we need to tap in to the power of God. We need to tap in so that we are not entangled again in the sin that God has set us free from.


In my profession I deal with many that are addicted to drugs. Many tell me that they were free from drug use at one time or another, many were free for years. Yet something in life happened that sent them back to their “comfort zone”, the drug use, and now they are hooked, again. In order for them to be free again they need to seek help from someone with more strength and knowledge than themselves and tap in to that inner strength that they have.


As I look at the addict I see that we as Christians were once addicts, addicted to sin. God has set us free and has empowered us to stay free. Yet at times Christians are like dogs returning to their vomit and going back to their prior “comfort zone”. We may become discouraged by the negative things that happen in our life but I encourage you saints to Tap In to the power that is within you. Don’t be fooled by the enemy.


Many things take place during a lifetime but we must be encouraged and don’t give in but Tap In to that power that God has given. Remember God is able.  Trust Him to be God. Trust the power that He has placed in you, His Holy Spirit. Tap in so that you do not return to the sin that God has set you free from. Tap in so that you are freed. Tap in so that you remain free. Tap in for it’s in you.


Be encouraged in the Lord. Pray much one for another.



Pastor Tarena Stewart
Healing the Hurt Ministries, Inc

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