Weekly Inspiration: Walk It Out

Weekly Inspiration: Walk It Out

As ye therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him
Colossians 2:6


Can you remember the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I can. It was joyous. I was so excited that a Holy God could love sinful me, forgive me and receive me as His own. I told others about what He had done for me and was excited about learning more about who He is, who Jesus is.


Most of us can remember this experience. The time when we were thirsty for the things of God, we read the Word of God daily, prayed daily and spread the word of his goodness daily. All we wanted to do was please God in every way. But as months, years went by slackness set in. We began to read the word of God less, pray less and please god less. Let me encourage you saints of the Most high God to walk it out. Live a life that is pleasing unto God.


Read His word so that you can know what pleases Him. Pray that he brings back to your remembrance what you learned at the beginning. Return to your first love and live a life that is pleasing unto Him.


Don’t be discouraged by what is going on in life but put your trust in God and hold fast to your faith. Stay focused and walk out the things of God. In life opportunity will always present itself for the “old you” to show up but remember that 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares that if we are in Christ we are new creatures. You have received Christ but not only that, He has received you.


So I encourage you to walk out obedience, walk out faith, walk out righteousness, walk out holiness, walk it out. No matter what be determined that you are going to live a life that is pleasing unto Christ. Walk it out daily no matter what the enemy brings your way. God has promised never to leave nor forsake you so when you feel that you can’t; know that you can, for you can do all things through Christ.

Walk it out.


Be Blessed in the Lord




Pastor Tarena Stewart
Healing the Hurt Ministries, Inc

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